Toontown Online

Toontown Online 3,5/5 8203 votes

Clearly designed for those more elastic of skin, Toontown Online - as its name intimates - is a MMOG set in a day-glo world populated by upstanding creatures who are, save for the more recognisable Disney faces and stock NPCs, controlled by living, breathing people. Albeit, living, breathing people who are most probably still at the bed-wetting stage of life and doped up to the eyeballs on Sunny D.

Rather than spend precious hours slaughtering wolves and spiders, as is required by fantasy MMOG law, the aim here is to defeat roving bands of corporate-minded automatons called Cogs, whose collective aim is to take over the bubble gum streets by turning them into bleak rows of office buildings. And so, to keep the nefarious bots at bay, you and your fellow Toon citizens must engage their ranks in turn-based combat, your arsenal stuffed, not with swords and spells, but Gags' in the guise of water pistols, fruit-filled pies and weights that fall from the sky to squish those beneath.

Toontown pretty much covers the same ground as your common-or-garden MMORPG - only here, everything is less pressured and much simpler to get to grips with.

Beans Means Good

Disney's Toontown Online is the console port to Disney's online game of the same name that was published by Sierra Entertainment through Buena Vista Games (Disney Interactive Studios themselves published the 7th-gen versions under the Buena Vista Games brand name). While the GBA and DS versions are their own separate games, the 7th-gen console versions are exact-replicas of the PC version, to. Toontown is a massively multiplayer online game built for kids, teens, and adults of all ages. Create your own Toon and join the never-ending battle against the 'Cogs', who want to turn Toontown into their latest business venture. Toontown Online was a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, developed by Disney Interactive and published by the Walt Disney Company.The beta game was released in the United States for PC on August 2001 and officially launched on June 2, 2003. Versions were released later in Japan and the United Kingdom in 2004, France and Germany in 2005, Brazil in 2006, and Southeast Asia in 2007.

There are missions aplenty which reward you with jellybeans (Toontown's currency), Laff points (health) or animation clips (skills). The missions are hardly taxing, involving lots of fetching and carrying. Variety comes with the Cog-killing tasks and these add a direction to the game and, more importantly, can be completed in as little as ten minutes.Perfect for the wandering attention spans of most children.

Other Toon pastimes worth dipping in and out of are the Trolley Games, where you climb aboard the local tram and aretaken to a random mini-game. Swimming through hoops, catching apples, tug of war and a fairly decent Pac-Man clone are just a few of the gems on offer that earn you a small stack of jellybeans to spend later.

Better still, you can play each of the eight games with up to four people, which apart from lending the proceedings a more Competitive edge, may earn even more sweet financialbenefits. With games ranging from Toon Tag (Disney's take on (perennial playground favourite British Bulldog) and Match Minnie (where you must copy the dance moves of Mickey's lady mouse friend), the spread is certainly diverse and entertaining. And if you fancy something a little more relaxed, you can go fishing at the central pond and earn yourself even more beans.

The combat itself isn't nearly as mtertaining as it might be. Much as have liked to have been able to construct an elaborate trap from pulleys, counterweights and birdseed, or don an Acme rocket pack in emulation of my onetime hero Wile E. Coyote, the combat is simply a case of selecting a gag (Cogs have an aversion to practical jokes) and hoping it hits home, then watching your opponent unleash paper clips and business jargon at you. If he explodes before you run out of Laff points, you receive the usual dribble of experience points. And the more XP you collect, the more gags become available later on.

Cheer Up You!

Combat is marginally more interesting when other players join the fray, but even with Toon-up' gags that heal other players and Sound gags that can be employed to defeat a line of Cogs, the combat really is about as basic as it gets. Seeing as Toons don't die, player death is not something you have to worry about - if you are defeated in battle, you're simply sent to the nearest playground until you cheer up.

Toontown is unique among its online RPG peers, but certainly isn't for everyone. If you tend to make it your aim in online games to become a high-level killing machine, then you will definitely tire of Toontown in just a few hours. Similarly, without any Guild options or proper chat facilities, if you like to role-play you're sure to despise the game for its lack of real player interaction.

However, away from the target market, the game has much to offer the older online gamer; its simplicity and diversity are definite plus points, but most of all it's just a lot of fun - certainly if you prefer to play in fits and bursts.


Along with the option to furnish your crazy Toon house, dress your character up in evermore garish apparel and even expend your wealth of jellybeans on extra moves and emotes, there's plenty to aim for and accomplish. Even on the technical side the game is not left wanting, since you can switch servers effortlessly to join your mates. Basically, all those things that dog most online RPGs don't exist here because it's hard for people to exploit the system. As a consequence, Toontown is about the most relaxed and stress-free online game there is.

Hey there everybody, and welcome to our first blog post of 2021! Over the past month, we’ve had quite a few updates hit the game- and there’s even one coming out today! So in today’s post, we’re gonna go over everything that has been added lately, what’s being added today, and how our update structure is going to look moving forward. From a holiday-themed V.P. Battle, to Nerfs Mode, to Hardcore Boss Battles, and much more in today’s update, there’s a little bit of something for everyone!
Holiday Updates
Since our last blog post, we released a few surprise updates. The first of these began on Christmas Eve, when we released v1.0.4.0. This update contained the Holiday V.P. Battle, which was a variation of the typical V.P. Boss Battle, but with a Holiday spin based on original Toontown Online concept art by Bruce Woodside. Alongside this feature, we introduced Nerfs Mode, Outskirts Themes, MacOS Big Sur issues, and much more.
Online Not more than two weeks later, we introduced another sizeable feature- Hardcore Boss Battles. This feature came in our v1.0.4.4 update, and introduces a new spin on the original four Boss Battles. Not only are these much more difficult than their original counterparts, but each one has at least one new mechanic that makes it stand out. For example, you can fall off the ledge while fighting the V.P., or struggle against a rotating scale as you battle the C.J.
Toontown Online Throughout the rest of January however, we stayed mostly silent while working on other things here and there. Now that February has rolled around, we’ve decided to dump everything we’ve been working on into one big update rather than spread things thin. Coinciding with this blog post is the release of v1.0.5.0, which overhauls the backend of some key features in the game, while introducing a lot of quality-of-life in other areas. Today’s update is also important for another reason, though- it marks a change in how we’re going to deliver out updates going forward.

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Update Schedule

Toontown Online Website

Ever since we re-released Toontown Offline under v1.0, we’ve put out new updates as we see fit and not on any particular schedule. If we think we’ve accrued a handful of tweaks and bug fixes that can go out on their own, we push them out willy-nilly in the form of a small update. On the other hand, for the times we’ve let our progress accrue, we’ve decided to pack a bunch of things into a medium-sized update. However, going forward, we plan to release updates on a monthly basis instead of whenever we feel like it.
Why are we making this change? There are several benefits we think will come as a result. For starters, it will allow our players to experience a sizable burst of updates in one go rather than feeling obliged to keep up with a plethora of smaller patches. By congregating updates into a single patch each month, it will become easier to keep up with what is new. Secondly, it will give our team more breathing room as we continue to work on the Operation: Seek Out Scrooge update. Having monthly updates means the scope for said updates will be kept small, and won’t intrude on our other priorities. Overall, we think this will be really beneficial for both our players and team alike.
You can expect to see each monthly update arrive within the first week of the month. Please note, however, that a monthly update won’t necessarily be big or small in nature. It simply means that at the beginning of each month, we will push what new things we have to the live game. Sometimes that may mean a dozen bug fixes, other times that may mean a dozen new features. In cases where an emergency bugfix or tweak is required, we will perform a silent hotfix to ensure the game continues to run smoothly.
March Updates
So what updates are we looking to bring to the game in March? Well, while we can’t promise anything for certain, I can say that we are currently working on a new Mini-Game similar to Courtroom Catastrophe. In fact, you can find a preview for it as a part of the v1.0.5.0 update. We also have a few other features in the works, such as a revamped Options Page, revamped Magic Words Page, and more. Hopefully we’ll be able to get some of these ready in time for March, but we’ll just have to see!Toontown Online
I think that’s just about all we have to talk about for this month though. As always, thank you very much for reading and sticking with Toontown Offline. We hope you enjoy our recent updates, and look forward to our new update schedule in the future! Have a good one, all!Toontown
The Toontown Offline Team