Eve Online Plex

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What is PLEX in Eve Online? PLEX also known as 30 Days Concord Pilot License Extension is a combination of a time-code and a valuable and useful game item in Eve Online. A player can buy the PLEX from CCP and use it in several different ways. PLEX (Pilot’s License Extension) has been an important part of the EVE ecosystem for many years now. It’s been great for EVE because it allows players to trade their time and money in whatever way they like without hurting the integrity of our shared universe. EVE Online is a free MMORPG sci-fi strategy game where you can embark on your own unique space adventure. EVE's open world MMORPG sandbox, renowned among online space games, lets you choose your own path and engage in combat, exploration, industry and much more. Play the world's #1 space MMO today! Nov 09, 2020 To access the Eve Online PLEX vault you can either go through your ship or station cargo or use the Neocon buy selecting inventory– PLEX vault. As you can see from the image above, you can sell PLEX for ISK, add omega game time, buy extra skill queues or shop in the New Eden Store for cosmetic items and skill extractors. In EVE Online, you can turn that extra ISK into 30 days of game time by purchasing PLEX from other players on the EVE market. Character services PLEX can be used to pay for services such as training multiple characters, transferring characters between accounts and resculpting your character’s physical appearance.

(Redirected from PLEX vault)
The PLEX Vault is a separate inventory that only you have access to. It allows for safe storage of PLEX while moving as well as facilitating selling PLEX, adding Omega game time (plexing your account), Multiple Character Training (MCT) as well as buying PLEX.
  • 1Safe storage of PLEX
  • 2PLEX vault services

Safe storage of PLEX

There is no good reason to ever move PLEX inside the cargo cargo hold of your ship. Put it in the PLEX vault while moving and take it out when you've safely arrived at your destination (although in almost all cases you never need to take it out of the vault at all).

Items in the PLEX vault will not drop or be destroyed if someone kills your ship and pods you, so it's a safe way to move your PLEX.

Since you need to have your PLEX in the PLEX vault to use it or sell it (it won't let you sell PLEX if it's in your hangar or cargo hold), there's no reason to take it out of the vault unless you're planning on giving it away to someone through direct trade or contracts.

Eve online plex store

Adding physical PLEX into the vault

If you've purchased PLEX from the market or received a physical bundle of PLEX from someone, you can add it to the PLEX vault locally as well as remotely.

This is an example of right-clicking on an item in your hangar.
You can also go through your Personal Assets (either using the Alt + T shortcut or the NeoCom menu).
There is currently a bug in the Move to PLEX Vault when you try to move PLEX from an Upwell structure like a Citadel or Engineering Complex you don't have access to. This option is still there, but does absolutely nothing and gives no error message about it being intentional due to lack of access.

PLEX vault services

In the PLEX vault window you have quick access to selling PLEX directly on the market, adding Omega game time, buying extra skill queues, shop in the New Eden Store as well as buying PLEX using real money. To open the PLEX vault, go to your unified inventory (either from your shortcut Alt + C or the NeoCom), it's located at the very bottom of the index-list.

Stuff ...
Eve online plex changes

Sell PLEX for ISK

This option will simply open a normal Sell Items window. It won't open the market window however, so you might want to do that manually before selling the PLEX, so you can see the current prices and trends before setting your own price.

Add Omega game time & Buy extra skill queue

Both of these options open up a mini-version of the New Eden Store for quick access to these services and items.

Eve Online Buy Plex With Isk

Getting Add Omega game time opens up this quick-access window to purchase more Omega game time.
After opening up the Buy extra skill queue and purchasing it, you'll get an additional pop-up screen informing you of the Multiple Character Training that was delivered to your current hangar of the station or structure you're docked in.

Shop in the New Eden Store

This is a simple link to the New Eden Store, it does the same as going through the NeoCom menu.


This option will require fast checkout, but will conveniently allow you to complete PLEX purchase for real money without leaving the client.

If you haven't saved your credit card information, you'll initially be greeted with this message and a link to a secure browser checkout.

Eve Online Plex Buy

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